
My photo
first hai:) Name:um..I think some of yah know mah name:D Age:secret Fave thingies: writing poems or painting and running Luv running ^.^,luv to laugh,talk and last but not at least like the colour blue; luv: NeverShoutNever, Lady Gaga o.O,Kesha etc . :D luv nature :D I SPEAK:eNGLISH,fRENCH, A LITTLE BIT OF GERMAN AND JAPANESE,and of course, romanian. I luv playing shoter games like MicroVolts and LUV BLOGGING HOPES: to make a lot of friends bla bla bla ( kidding ) ^>^ "If you judge people, you have no time to love them..." Want you to know that My own room is my sanctuary. It's full of all the things I love, all the bits of my past that make me who I am and the only place I feel safe when I get depressed. I can't look anywhere in there and not see something that brings back a good feeling. So there my inspiration comes... Being a big dreamer doesn’t mean that you walk around with your head in the clouds. It means that you’re seeking a purpose for your life and it means that you’re becoming fulfilled in the process. And so I’m a dreamer... Love to draw, love to write, love to think, love to believe, but more than all, love to BE... XD

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Poem about the birth of Saint Nicholas

St. Nicholas, a protector of children comes every year for us
On 6th December, to bring presents, stepping on white grass.
As we always know that our boots must be clean,
All chindren must be good and wise, not mean.
When the snow starts falling on the ground,
When you hear the amazing carols’ sound,
When you smell that chocolate scent,
When your money on gifts have been spent.
The wind blows havily in a holy night,
The moon gives a unexpected sign,
Cause when we sleep and The Sandman whisper a dream,
In the next morning we’ll taste cakes full of cream.
And so Saint Nicholas on 6th December comes to us,
Sharing everywhere joy, gifts and love,
Even he lived near the Aegean Sea, far away,
He’s a blessed saint, we think about you all day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Still waiting for the snow

Hi guys!

As you know the X-mas is coming and I'm all excited about this! I love how the "normal" things turn into something fantastic, especially when we got a celebration like this one! Ummm... I have to say that I really enjoyed when me and my classmates decided to change the old fashionist aspect of your class into a "vintage" one:  we bought redand blue tinsel and sourrounded the board into bright colorful flashing lights and all the teachers were like"Ok... I'm pretending those aren't here"... but it was a little bit odd, because we expected teachers-adults- to like our idea....of course, here, I'm not including my English teacher, the maths and the romanian one :D Anyway, I'm kinda preparing too for X-mas and I cannot wait for the first snowing ( and it's been a long waiting, but who knows...) God, you know, enjoying the view of the snow, while you're drinking a cup of hot chocolate --------> That's THE LIFE!

Monday, December 3, 2012

For my assignment (:

  HMWK:    Pro and Against Esseys


    With more countries entering the European Union and international relations improving, more young people are choosing to study abroad. To my mind, continuing or completing your education in a foreign country has a number of distinct advantages.
     To start with, studying abroad can help you develop new skills and a crosscultural understanding. Learning about and living another way of life opens your mind to different points of view. You can also improve your language skills by studying abroad - even more so if you study in the local language.
    Secondly, you will have lost of new experiences. Most of them will be exciting and interesting, but even the ones which are not will benefit you by making you stronger.
     However, some people believe it's better to study in your own country. They believe that students who study abroad spend most of their time travelling and having fun while those who stay in their own country study harder and learn more.
     All in all, I believe studying abroad is a richer and more interesting experience than studying at home. It will help you to develop skills and attitudes that will stay with you for a life time, plus it's a new chance in meeting new people, who will become later even your friends.


      First of all, I think that "money" is an indispensable word, which is needed by everyone in this world, actually better than intelligence.  
     I have to say that money is the way for knowledge, achiving goals etc. You can hear alomost all the time: "I need money to go to school, I need money to buy a home, I need money to found my business!". If not now, we all reach the point where we say "I need money". Do we really need money?
     Money in itself is neither good nor evil. It's kind of a tool. You can use it for good things or for bad ones. Some mean people will scam others in order to get money. But others will work hard and earn their fortune with just causes.  The thought that making more money can allow us to have bigger houses and modern cars -  is ultimately ineffective at turning money into happiness. The happiest people in the world are by no means also the richest. No, the happiest people are those who want to achieve with their lives and are living each day to the full in an effort to attain their goals.
     But somehow, money is both able to make someone happy or unhappy. Using money wisely will benefit to all the family and it will generate more money; but using it foolishly, it will lead you to "death" and the ruin of those depending on you. Money opens lots of doors but depends the chosen one....All these sayings can tell you what is money. Money might open to joy and happiness but hapiness does not necessarily come from money.
     In conclusion, you don't have to spend a lot of money to achieve your goals, but not always, anyway. The best gifts you can give our family are love, caring and respect. No amount of money or gifts can buy any of that, and once you burn through the money, it's gone...